School Mission:
Here at Millard it is our mission to develop productive citizens with active and creative minds to meet the challenges of the global community. We stress the total development of each child: moral, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical.
School Vision:
Our vision is to educate and instill the values of safety, respect, and responsibility to ensure our students are productive citizens and life-long learners.
School Motto:
Be Respectful!! Be Responsible!! Be Ready To Learn!! GO MUSTANGS!!!!!!!!
About The School
Millard School is a rural school located in Pike County, Ky. We are a Head-start through 8th grade campus with a current student population of approximately 600 students.
It is the belief of all Millard School stakeholders (certified/classified staff, parents, students and community) that students can attain high levels of success. These levels may differ from student to student; however, ALL students should be and will be challenged with a curriculum that insures students are performing to the best of his/her ability. Expectations will be held to the “Proficiency” level to meet federal and state mandates.