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Dawn Justice


The Counseling Center and the Pike County School District's counseling program adheres to the philosophy that the school counseling program is an essential and integral part of the overall education process.  The comprehensive program is built on the foundation that certain education, career and personal objectives are attainable when school counseling for all students is provided.  This implementation acknowledges that school counseling is no longer a service to be offered by one person, but a program coordinated with other resources in the school and community.

We believe that all students have the right to be served by the school counseling program; the school counseling program should be consistent with expected developmental stages of learning; the school counseling program shall be managed by state certified counselors; and the student and parent(s) are responsible for monitoring the student's educational progress with the assistance of a professional school counselor.


The mission of The Counseling Center and the Pike County School District's counseling program is to provide a comprehensive, developmental program that addresses personal/social development, academic success and career preparation in order to promote individual well-being and to help students become productive members of society.